Gareth Evens, writer
Apollo [Mindspace]
space of possibilities
Gareth Evens, writer
child-like lingering
Matthew Gollock, fish biologist
looking up and slowing down
Matthew Gollock, fish biologist
movement as a way of being
Iain, MA student
less commuting
Iain, MA student
popular means more populated
Eva Hanappi, yoga teacher
to slow down mind
Eva Hanappi, yoga teacher
waterside makes happy
Steven Vandervelden, arts venue director
tunnels as the unknown
Sophia Tarr, city council officer
speed and happiness
Sophia Tarr, city council officer
floating through history
Joe McAndrew, student, art venue assistant
build potential for change
James Smith, editor, art magazine
canal- vs. street space
James Smith, editor, art magazine
places to be transported
Holly Aylett, documentary filmmaker
place for reorientation
Holly Aylett, documentary filmmaker
with a different mindset
Emily Druiff, arts venue director