KAYAK LIBRE Experience

former lock

photo: Manu Luksch 2011

relaxing kayak taxi

VeraFranz, program manager at nongovernmental organisation, and Harald Costa, photographer

relaxing and safe kayak trip

Rachel Hill, narrative environments designer

I can see…

Tom, 2nd year student, and Gareth Evans, writer

below ground level

Gareth Evens, writer

water-level perspective

Vlad Ivanov, interior designer


Adriana Marques, public art curator

this is spectacular!

Sebastian Lowsley Williams, painter

a dark journey

Eva Hanappi, yoga teacher

the swan story: British Waterways

Eva Hanappi, yoga teacher

more speculations, and one encounter

Inigo Minns, lecturer of architecture

nighttime kayaking

Matthew Gollock, fish biologist

bat alert!

Matthew Gollock, fish biologist


Matthew Gollock, fish biologist

voices from the towpath

Inigo Minns, lecturer of architecture

hitting ice!

Inigo Minns

water-level perspective

Iain, MA student

the swan

Eva Hanappi, yoga teacher

Why does floating make dreamy?

Cora, 4 yrs, and Sarah Andrews, lawyer


Cora, 4 yrs, and her mum Sarah Andrews, lawyer